Are you holding on to an old identity and harmful defenses that you formed in your family?
Do you find yourself limited in your ability to maintain close relationships and accept real love from a romantic partner?
Do you struggle to consistently provide love to your children and accept their love of you?
Could it be that what is interfering in your life is a core defense you formed in childhood known as the “fantasy bond?” The fantasy bond, a powerful concept developed by Dr. Robert Firestone, is defined as an illusion of connection we originally form with our parent as a defense system to help relieve anxiety and emotional pain. This fantasy may have once helped us cope with our caretakers’ limited ability to provide consistent love and care. However, as we grow up, this early defense system limits our ability to pursue or accept real love and connection.
This eCourse with Dr. Lisa Firestone is designed to help individuals, couples, and therapists understand how these fantasy dynamics negatively impact how you relate to yourself and those closest to you. The course will help you realize how a fantasy bond may be the core factor operating in keeping you from achieving your goals. Dr. Firestone will discuss the original fantasy bond you formed in your family and how it keeps you stuck in the past, reliving rather than living your own life today. This eCourse will further help you to challenge the fantasy bonds that are currently limiting you and your relationships. The eCourse also features an exclusive interview with Dr. Robert W. Firestone, the author of The Fantasy Bond.
Uncovering how this primitive defense operates in you today can help explain everything from destructive relationship patterns to self-sabotaging behaviors, from shattered self-esteem to difficulties relating to your kids. The process of recognizing, understanding, and challenging elements of a fantasy bond is an essential component of a person’s self-development and a means of breaking a cycle of destructive patterns that have often been passed from generation to generation. This online course promises to be an enlightening journey into your past as a means of creating a better future.
Course Outline

- What is a Fantasy Bond?
- The Origins of a Fantasy Bond
- Why Fantasy Replaces Real Love in Relationships
- Characteristics of Real Love Versus a Fantasy Bond
- How to Break Free of Fantasy and Become Your True Self
All course materials will be made available online for individuals to tune in at their own pace, including:

- Video lessons with Dr. Lisa Firestone
- In-depth multimedia presentations
- Introspective exercises
- Enlightening reading assignments
The Fantasy Bond: The Key to Understanding Ourselves and Our Relationships
Are you holding on to an old identity and harmful defenses that you formed in your family?
Do you find yourself limited in your ability to maintain close relationships and accept real love from a romantic partner?
Do you struggle to consistently provide love to your children and accept their love of you?
Could it be that what is interfering in your life is a core defense you formed in childhood known as the “fantasy bond?” The fantasy bond, a powerful concept developed by Dr. Robert Firestone, is defined as an illusion of connection we originally form with our parent as a defense system to help relieve anxiety and emotional pain. This fantasy may have once helped us cope with our caretakers’ limited ability to provide consistent love and care. However, as we grow up, this early defense system limits our ability to pursue or accept real love and connection.
This eCourse with Dr. Lisa Firestone is designed to help individuals, couples, and therapists understand how these fantasy dynamics negatively impact how you relate to yourself and those closest to you. The course will help you realize how a fantasy bond may be the core factor operating in keeping you from achieving your goals. Dr. Firestone will discuss the original fantasy bond you formed in your family and how it keeps you stuck in the past, reliving rather than living your own life today. This eCourse will further help you to challenge the fantasy bonds that are currently limiting you and your relationships. The eCourse also features an exclusive interview with Dr. Robert W. Firestone, the author of The Fantasy Bond.
Uncovering how this primitive defense operates in you today can help explain everything from destructive relationship patterns to self-sabotaging behaviors, from shattered self-esteem to difficulties relating to your kids. The process of recognizing, understanding, and challenging elements of a fantasy bond is an essential component of a person’s self-development and a means of breaking a cycle of destructive patterns that have often been passed from generation to generation. This online course promises to be an enlightening journey into your past as a means of creating a better future.
Lessons will include:
- What is a Fantasy Bond?
- The Origins of a Fantasy Bond
- Why Fantasy Replaces Real Love in Relationships
- Characteristics of Real Love Versus a Fantasy Bond
- How to Break Free of Fantasy and Become Your True Self
All course materials will be made available online for individuals to take this course at their own pace, including:
- Video lessons with Dr. Lisa Firestone
- In-depth multimedia presentations
- Introspective exercises
- Enlightening reading assignments
Dr. Lisa Firestone is the Director of Research and Education at The Glendon Association. An accomplished and much requested lecturer, Dr. Firestone speaks at national and international conferences in the areas of couple relations, parenting, and suicide and violence prevention. Dr. Firestone has published numerous professional articles, and most recently was the co-author of Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships(APA Books, 2006), Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice (New Harbinger, 2002),Creating a Life of Meaning and Compassion: The Wisdom of Psychotherapy (APA Books, 2003) and The Self Under Siege (Routledge, 2012)
Do I have to attend the eCourse at certain times? Are the presentations live?
Once the eCourse launches on November 29th, all of the lessons and materials will be available for you to view (or review) at your convenience. The eCourse is not live. You can log on anytime you choose to watch the presentations at the times that are the best for you.
Are Continuing Education credits (CEUs) offered for this course?
6 CEU credits will be offered for this eCourse. The CEU credits must be purchased separately through our CE provider for an additional $30. eCourse participants will be able to purchase the CEUs via a link that is made available with the purchase of the eCourse.
I am having trouble accessing my course. What should I do?
Email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to help you.